Obtain a Yield

What does it mean to us?

It means our efforts should be productive pursuits. We like to say, adults do things with purpose and intent. When an adult is queried, why did you do that? The answer should never be “I don’t know”. Obtaining a Yield, provides us with a purpose statement. A why behind our toil in pursuit of our goals.

How do we practice this principle?

We look for ways to obtain a yield in our activities. Below will be a list of items produced and if we have developed a yield it will be defined. If we do not yet have an identified yield we will be seeking one. Simply by listing them they will be in our thoughts.

ItemYieldOther Yields
SoilPlant GrowthFruits and Vegetables
Pecan TreePecansBranches and limbs
Grass ClippingsCompostMulch
Fruit & Nut Tree BranchesSmoke wood for MeatsBiochar